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From local churches, pastors and lay leaders, those studying for full time ministry, American and international, ETM partners with churches to train and equip disciple-makers of Jesus Christ around the world.

Partner with us

ETM is entirely support based. We rely on generous partners to contribute financially in order to keep this ministry running. Your gift will help us continue to partner with churches around the world as we seek to restore the spiritual vigor of local churches.


Questions & Answers

Here are some answers to common questions.

ETM is a Christian ministry that partners with local churches around the world to help train leaders and build up the church. You can find out more here

ETM does not charge for its services - it is completely free. Often, churches that need help are not in a position to pay for it. In order to make this ministry possible, we rely 100% on supporters. If you would like to join our support team, you can do so here.

We make it easy. Simply fill out our contact form, which you can find here.