Dear friends,

Grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! We extend our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to you for your unwavering support and generous contributions to ETM.

We were truly blessed to have the privilege of hosting a wonderful family of dedicated servants from England for three weeks. Their presence and passion for serving the Lord inspired us. Throughout their stay, we continued conducting daily Zoom meetings for the discipleship and equipping of pastors, elders, and missionaries, ensuring that the teachings of Christ are spread far and wide. We also had the opportunity to welcome families seeking solace and guidance in the Word of God, providing them with the spiritual nourishment they needed.

Furthermore, we diligently carried out the essential work of managing our organization's property, ensuring that it remains a beacon of hope and faith for all who seek shelter in its embrace.

On July 28th, I had the privilege of visiting a church in Franklinville, NC to share the gospel and strengthen the faith of their congregation. The warmth and enthusiasm with which they received me was truly humbling, and it reinforced our commitment to spreading the message of Christ wherever we go.

I have been extremely busy organizing the mission to Albania, Kosovo, and Romania. Our trip will consist of conferences with pastors, leaders, and missionaries in these countries. Our purpose is to encourage and equip the pastors, as well as their churches according with Ephesians 4:11-16, so that they can continue spreading the message of the Gospel and serving their communities to honor Great Commission from Mathew 20:18-20.

Your generous sponsorship will play a significant role in making this mission possible, and we are truly grateful for your partnership in advancing the Kingdom of God. Your support enables us to provide resources, training, and encouragement to those on the frontlines of ministry in these countries. I am excited about the impact that these conferences will have on the local pastors, leaders, and missionaries, and I am confident that through your support, we will be able to make a lasting difference in these communities. In light of these incredible experiences, we humbly ask for your continued support and help for our mission work in the World. To give directly to these mission trips, mark your donation, or a portion of your donation, to the Projects Account. This will enable us to reach even more souls in need of spiritual guidance and support.

May God bless you abundantly for your kindness and generosity.