Dear Supporters,
January was busy with conferences, meetings and courses. On January 9, I was invited as a representative of ETM, to the headquarters of the North American Mission Board in Atlanta, Georgia. 15 presidents and representatives of different discipleship organizations in the USA participated in this meeting. We discussed the situation of churches and the necessary solution for the revitalization of the Church. It was concluded that the solution is to fulfill the mandate given by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20 - to make disciples. We also discussed the resources that each organization has for fulfilling this great mandate.
On January 12, I visited The Rock Community Church in TN. We had a blessed time of sharing and worship. I met with the elders of the TRCC twice, going through a Biblical Eldership course. I had a wonderful time of biblical building and consolidation with fellow brothers. The meetings with these elders will continue even after my return from the mission in Spain and Romania.
Over January 23-25, I was invited together with 37 leaders of Christian evangelization and discipleship organizations to the Billy Graham Training Center. We had 3 days full of sharing, worship and equipping in which each organization presented its vision and
work strategy.
Now an international discipleship mission awaits me. I will be accompanied by our
colleague Jim Caminata. The trip will be from 02/07 - 03/03, in Spain, Italy and
Romania. This work is very important. We will meet with over 80 pastors, elders, and church leaders. Leaders need to be motivated and encouraged to fulfill the Great
Commission and to be equipped and taught how to do it. We need your support. Thank you for your prayers and love.
In the new year, Colin is mostly advising, consulting, counseling, researching and
writing when not using all his training skills to control the impulses of his new 3 month old puppy. His older dog, Winston, is the guard of the entire property but is bewildered by the antics of his new colleague. Colin is still working to repair and improve his water situation after a particularly hard freeze.
This past month, Ethan and Sarah were able to dedicate more time to discipleship
within the RFBC youth group. They took 18 teens to a youth retreat for several days and are hopeful the trip served as an important step towards discipleship of the students. In addition, they are continuing discipleship with other church leaders through teaching the Models over Zoom and continuing to play an active part at RFBC and The Rock Community Church.