Dear friends,
First, we thank you for a year in which you were a blessing for us and for the work to
which God called us: to equip ministers in the work of the church, to encourage and
support leaders through counseling, and the work of discipleship and training of leaders
in order to revitalize the church.
In January we continued to have weekly zoom meetings with missionaries from different
countries and at the same time we had individuals and families who came for
counseling. I was invited by the European Baptist Church in Port Charlotte, Florida to
preach and at the same time to present the work we do at ETM.
The Cimpoes family moved to ETM to start six months of training before their goal of
moving to Romania as missionaries. The entire team in Robbinsville is involved in this
intensive process. Liviu and Kelly have 3 children.
In January, I made the final preparations before leaving for the mission in Europe. In
these 3-week missions we will have 3 teams. In Spain, Italy, France our teammate Jim
Caminata and one of our board members Steve Schweikart will serve. In Albania, Ethan
and I will serve. In Romania and Hungary, one of our board members Eric Price and
Liviu Cimpoes will join me in serving.
The purpose of the mission is the discipleship of pastors and leaders from the
evangelical churches and also the encouragement and revitalization of the churches in
the countries we will visit. I was invited to preach the Gospel in 6 churches where we
will be going as well. The missions will last from February 12 to March 7. Please be in
prayer for all of our teams.
I express my joy for the fact that the Models for Disciple-Makers have been translated
into the 10 th language: Albanian, and will be used as we go to train leaders on this trip.
The translator is Endri Matracu.
In January, Ethan developed a Guide to Teaching to walk leaders through the basics of
how to prepare and deliver lessons. He is hopeful this will be an effective aid to
equipping leaders who can train others to love and live like Jesus. In addition, Ethan
and Sarah have been preparing for his trip to Albania, where Ethan will partner with Vali
to present ETM to Albanian pastors. During the second half of his trip, Ethan will start
the Models for Disciple-Makers with all those interested in being trained and equipped.
We thank you for your prayers and financial support in making possible the work of
spreading the Gospel and equipping church servants during this difficult period. We
thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your availability and love.
Proverbs 11:25 The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be
watered himself.